I've been working with Shaun Robinson for many years and it was great taking her from entertainment news to PADOW!!!
OK, so I know you have a sister, cousin or friend who is drop dead gorgeous and has been told by a million people that she or he should model or be on television. That's wonderful! Hey, I've been told the same thing, but guess what? I had to take some professional photos by a real photographer to find out if I had what it takes to ever be picked up by an agency to model or act. That's never been my heart's desire, modeling that is, but I LOVE making them beautiful! Here's the thing, if you have a relative or friend that you think has what it takes to make it in the biz and you want to use them in your portfolio, ask a reputable, professional photographer to do a test shoot with you. What you will need is a crew to make your model look her very best! The photographer finds the location or studio, but you need a hairstylist and wardrobe stylist to make sure your model is looking like a magazine ad. If the photographer is a REAL pro with a REAL eye he will make sure your lighting is perfected and your set is decorated to fit the subject matter. Check out http://www.dripbook.com/ for the REAL DEAL on how your portfolio should look. Also, check out Crystal Wright's book entitled Hair, Makeup and Styling Guide which will give you the 411 on how to make it in the business and what clients are looking for when searching your portfolio and resume. It also gives you pertinent information on how well you need to be groomed in every facet of the business. Crystal Wright is also on Facebook so she's a great friend to add and pick her brain for tons of important information that you'll need to be a success.
On Dripbook there are makeup artists, hairstylists, and wardrobe stylists with beautiful portfolios on the site that you can pattern yours after. You may have to join the website, and even if you join as a client instead of an artist right now, that's fine. What you want to do is look at all the portfolios and see how they're set up. Dripbook is a great site because they are very exclusive and particular who they allow on their site as artists and your portfolio has to be exquisite. Check out my friend on the site Bret Boreman, makeup artist and see how beautiful his portfolio is.
Now as far as getting your models, usally photographers can get the models faster. So, if you have a great photographer that you're shooting with ask him if he has access to PROFESSIONAL models. Photographers are very particular who they want to shoot for their own portfolios, so I can usually trust that they're going to choose a model of great caliber. You also want a photographer who is experienced in shooting fashion and beauty, not sex or porn.
A model doesn't always have to have a modern standard of beauty, but what you want is an unusal beauty that can capture the lense of the camera and sell what ever your brand is. You want him or her to captivate your audience and mesmerize your client. If they're selling a shoe, their feet must be pretty, or if they're selling a bathing suit their body must be fit. Their hair and skin MUST be in tip top shape and hair extensions MUST look like a million bucks.
Talk to as may professional makeup artists, hairstylists or wardrobe stylists as you can and ask them if they know of great photographers in your area that are doing test shoots. The idea of testing is to build your portfolio, but it must look like a story book or magazine. Each shoot tells a particular story about your brand. The photographer will be happy to help you in this area. Again http://www.dripbook.com/ will have a number of great photographers whose portfolios are displayed and if you like their work, you can contact them and talk about a possible shoot.
Feel free to ask any questions. Good luck and keep me posted!