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Wednesday, July 7, 2010


In the beauty game whether you're a hair, makeup or wardrobe stylist and you've worked for a number of years, you've probably gotten paid many, many day rates where some would be considered high, others may considered low. But at the end of the day, it's about what you consider fair and also what kind of financial position you're in. Some companies will automatically try to low ball you simply because they don't want to pay you. Even personal clients, whether they have wealth or not don't like to pay our day rates. I don't understand why it is some people feel that the beauty artists are not worth what we ask. It upsets me sometimes, however, if they don't have the budget for your $2500.00 a day rate, they just don't have it. The question you have to ask is, is it worth the huge jump down to the $500.oo rate that they're offering you instead.
I've taken jobs on a lower pay scale for a few reasons: If the client is a reputable name and I would like them on my resume then I compromise. If I know a relationship is building and we'll be working together on several occasions or, if they're really nice, honest people who really just don't have my rate, then I'll work their budgets. You have to make the decision. What you don't want to do is become a "DAY RATE SNOB"! Don't turn down money, especially if you're just starting out in the biz! You are trying to build your resume, a good reputation and future relationships so by all means, WORK!

Now once you've gotten to a status where you've become accustomed to your $2500-$5000.00 a day rate, it gets a little harder to work for less money, however, you still need to consider that if you don't do it, someone else will. Are you a super model artist and won't roll out of bed unless you're getting paid a certain rate? I think the best in the biz still work from time to time for less than their day rates, however, if they ask what your rate is....tell them! They're going to gag, but hey, they asked.! I've played the game where they ask my rate, I ask their budget, and we ping pong this conversation for a couple of minutes. I tell my rate and they gasp!! That's why I asked your budget because then I can decide if I want to take the job. See if you can negotiate a fair rate between their budget and your day rate, but don't be afraid to speak up. If it's just not working out, then you make the decision to work or not. Again, a true pro will probably take the job, and just trust something good will come from it.

Be strong, encouraged, and make every effort to get paid what you're worth! Just be WISE!